1600 Woodland Road
Abington, PA 19001
Surabhi Sahay conducts research in topics of organizational change and stakeholder participation. Her research broadly examines consequences and implications of participatory designs for stakeholders during times of organizational change and crisis. In her comprehensive approach, Surabhi explores stakeholder perspectives to determine how different designs of participation can impact stakeholders and organizations.
Surabhi has studied organizational change in various contexts such as medical centers, and has conducted research with individuals belonging to different levels in organizations. This has been especially useful in comparing the reactions and attitudes of multiple individuals towards participation and participatory designs. Her scholarship involves a range of methodologies with qualitative, quantitative, and observational studies.
The author has coauthored various book chapters and encyclopedia pieces in organizational change and change communication. Her research has also appeared in revered journals such as Management Communication Quarterly and Health Communication. She is currently writing a book proposal on how COVID impacted nursing work.
Surabhi has taught various courses in Organizational Communication, Communication Theory, Team Dynamics, and Research Methods.
Academic Recognition and Honors
- One of the Four finalists for Top Paper, Management Communication Quarterly, 2022
- Top Four Paper, NCA, Organizational Communication division, 2021
- Departmental Graduating Student of the Year Award, Rutgers University, School of Communication and Information, 2017
- Top Student Panel, NJCA, 2016
- Top Paper, NCA, Human Communication and Technology division, 2014
- Top Four Paper, NCA, Organizational Communication division, 2014
- Fellow, PreDoctoral Leadership Development Institute (PLDI), university-wide selection of 18 fellows, 2012
Research Interests
Surabhi examines stakeholder perspectives regarding change and crisis.
Selected Publications
Sahay, S., & Dwyer, M. (2022). I am not a “hero”: Nurses’ perspectives on COVID-19 framing. Health Communication. Advance online publication. http://doi.org/10.1080/10410236.2022.2088021
Dwyer, M., & Sahay, S. (2022). Advancing women to the presidency in higher education: Communication competencies and gender. Journal of Research on the College President. 6.
Sahay, S., Gigliotti, R.A., & Dwyer, M. (2022). Role conflict, job crafting, stress, and resilience among nurses during COVID-19. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management. 30(3), 234-243. http://doi.org/10.1111/1468-5973.12417
Sahay, S. & Wei, W. (2022). “Everything is changing, but I am not alone”: Nurses’ perceptions of social support during COVID-19. Sustainability. 14(6), 3262. DOI: http://doi.org/10.3390/su14063262
Sahay, S., & Dwyer, M. (2021). Emergent organizing in crisis: US nurses’ sensemaking and job crafting during COVID-19. Management Communication Quarterly, 35(4), 546-571. DOI: http://doi.org/10.1177/08933189211034170
Sahay, S.. Organizational listening during organizational change: Perspectives of employees and executives. International Journal of Listening. Advance Online Publication. DOI: http://doi.org/10.1080/10904018.2021.1941029
Sahay, S., & Wei, W. (2021). Work-family balance and managing spillover effects for nurses. Health Communication. Advance Online Publication. DOI: http://doi.org/10.1080/10410236.2021.1923155
Scott, C., & Sahay, S. (2018). Hide and don't seek: Analyzing strategies for
concealing organizations and their members. The Atlantic Journal of Communication, 26(3), 131-148. DOI: http://doi.org/10.1080/15456870.2018.1472091
Sahay, S., Dwyer, M., Scott, C., Dadlani, P., & McKinley, E. (2017). Organizations in hiding: Appropriateness, effectiveness, and motivations for concealment. The Electronic Journal of Communication, 27(1-2). Published online (E-publication). http://www.cios.org/www/ejc/v27n12toc.htm
Dwyer, M., Sahay, S., Scott, C., Dadlani, P., & McKinley, E. (2017).
Technologies of concealment: Appropriateness, effectiveness, and motivations for hiding organizational identity. Western Journal of Communication, 82(2), 194-216. DOI: http://doi.org/10.1080/10570314.2017.1302096
Selected Book-Chapters and Encyclopedia Entries
Lewis, L., & Sahay, S. (2019). Change and change management. In J. McDonald & R. Mitra (Eds.), Movements in organizational communication research. Routledge. p. 214-232.
Aakhus, M., Dadlani, P., Gigliotti, R., Goldwaithe, C., Kosterich, A., & Sahay, S. (2016). Communication expertise as organizational practice: Competing ideas about communication in the market for solutions. In J. Treem & P. Leonardi (Eds.), Expertise, communication and organizing. Oxford University Press. p. 189-209.
Gigliotti, R., Agnew, B., Goldthwaite, C., Sahay, S., Dwyer, M., & Ruben, B. (2016). Scholar-in-training; Leader-in-training: The Rutgers University Pre-Doctoral leadership development institute. In P. Blessinger, & D. Stockley (Eds.), Emerging Directions in Doctoral Leadership. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. (pp. 39-59).
Lewis, L., & Sahay, S. (2018). Change communication. In R. Heath & W. Johanssen (Eds.), The international encyclopedia of strategic communication. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. p. 127-139.
Lewis, L., & Sahay, S. (2017). Organizational change. In C. Scott & L. Lewis (Eds.), The international encyclopedia of organizational communication. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. p. 221- 242
Ph D, Organizational Communication, Rutgers University
MA, Rutgers University
BA, Broadcasting, telecommunication and mass media, Temple University
Papers and Presentations
Conference Presentations
Sahay, S., & Dwyer, M. (Accepted). "Exploring participation in grassroots-level resistance efforts," National Communication Association to be held in New Orleans in November 2022. National.
Sahay, S., Gigliotti, R.A, & Dwyer, M. (May 2022). "Role conflict, job crafting, stress, and resilience among nurses during COVID-19," International Communication Association, Paris, France. International.
Sahay, S., & Dwyer, M. (November 2021). "Organizing in crisis: Sensemaking, improvisation, and job crafting during COVID-19," National Communication Association, Seattle, WA. National.
Sahay, S., & Wei, W. (November 2021). "Everything is changing, but I am not alone”: Nurses’ perceptions on social support during COVID-19," National Communication Association, Seattle, WA. National.
Sahay, S., & Wei, W. (May 2021). "Work-family balance and managing spillover effects communicatively during COVID-19: Nurses’ perspectives," International Communication Association, Online.
Sahay, S. (November 2020). “Exploring the process of cultivating change champions during organizational change: A tension-based approach,” National Communication Association, Online.
Sahay, S. (November 2018). "Multi-stakeholder perspectives on input solicitation: Design features and negotiations," National Communication Association, Salt Lake City, UT. National.
Sahay, S. (May 2018). "Beneficial and problematic design features of input solicitation from a multi-stakeholder perspective," International Communication Association, Prague, Czech Republic. International.
Sahay, S., & Lewis, L. (November 2016). "Perspectives on soliciting and providing input during organizational change: The provider, the executive, and the consultant," National Communication Association, Philadelphia, PA. International.
Sahay, S. (October 2016). "Communicative designs for input solicitation during organizational change: Implications for providers," Organizational Communication Mini Conference, Evanston, IL. National.
Sahay, S., Dwyer, M., Gigliotti, R., Goldthwaite, C., & Agnew, B., (May 2015). "Scholar-in-training, Leader-in-training: The Rutgers University predoctoral leadership development institute," International Communication Association, San Juan, PR. International.
Scott, C. R., Dwyer, M., Sahay, S, Dadlani, P., & McKinley, E. (November 2014). "Organizations in hiding: Appropriateness, effectiveness, and motivations for concealment," National Communication Association, Chicago, IL. National.
Scott, C. R., Dadlani, P., Dwyer, M., Sahay, S., & McKinley, E. (November 2014). "Technologies of concealment: Appropriateness, effectiveness, and motivations for hiding organizational identity," National Communication Association, Chicago, IL. National.
Sahay, S. (September 2014). "Input solicitation during organizational change: Consultant perspectives," Organizational Communication Mini Conference, West Lafayette, IN. National.
Scott, C. R. & Sahay, S. (November 2013). "Hide and don’t seek: Analyzing strategies for concealing organizations and their members," National Communication Association, Washington D.C. National.
Sahay, S. (November 2012). "Stakeholders’ perspectives on providing input: How stakeholders construct the role of providing input," National Communication Association, Orlando, FL. National.
Panel Presentations
Goldthwaite, C., M., Dwyer, Dool, R., & Sahay, S. (April 2021). "Communication as the foundation for designing and leading Change," New Jersey Communication Association, Rutgers University, Online. Regional.
Anderson, C., Leavey, S., Lee, S., Caldiero, C., Chayko, M., Gigliotti, R., Kang, K., Malik, P., Plummer, E., & Sahay, S. (November 2016). "Hybrid and online approaches to teaching communication courses in a civic-minded academy: Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats," National Communication Association, Philadelphia